Monday, March 12, 2012

Today was my day off. I want to talk about yesterday, though. 
     It was the one year anniversary of the Great Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami. I helped cook for a memorial service that we held for our homeowners. We spent the entire day cooking enough food for probably 300 people, and after the service was done we served it as well. While it was fun to be cooking with so many wonderful Christian women, it was also a day of mixed feelings. At 2:46 pm, a siren wailed from the loudspeakers spread over the entire town. Even though we were in the middle of cooking, we had a moment of silence while the siren was sounding, and as the last eerie tones faded away, my eyes teared up a little bit remembering that day and how many precious lives were lost, and how many people who survived have permanent emotional scars and have so much pain right now.
     While I am not trying to be mean to anyone, it saddened me to go on Facebook that night. Only a few people said anything about the anniversary, and most of them had some deep connection to Japan. I realize that in America, and in other countries, there probably wasn't too much media coverage, and maybe some people just didn't care, but it was hard to see that almost nobody said anything when it was such a huge deal to me. I suppose I'm just being selfish and narrow-minded, but that's how I felt. 
The lyrics to Hillsong's Hosanna include the words, 
        "Break my heart for what breaks yours
          Everything I am for your kingdoms cause"
I want my heart to break for the things that break God's heart. And He's already working on that. After yesterday, I'm finding it hard to see the houses we work in as just a job anymore. I used to be able to, but now, it's so much more than a job. It's someone's home. Someone's life. Someone who lost precious things. It isn't just a story anymore. This is real, and I'm living in it every single day. And it's hard. But I know that with God I can do it. Not on my own strength, but being fully reliant on God's strength to carry me every day. And I'm okay with that.
     Just wanted to share my thoughts about yesterday with you. It's a new thing for me...

See you later!


  1. Dearest Chloe, I love your honesty as it reflects the heart of God. We all get so busy doing our own thing and are distracted from the happenings in other places and great needs of others....often we feel like the needs are so great and I'm just one person. But the good news is God IS giving you his heart. You are living the life Jesus hoped we would live...loving Him and expressing our love for Him while serving those in need. He is using you in our lives to show us that one person can make a big difference. Through you, we are learning that more people are needed, more resources are needed, more prayer is needed. Through you, God is showing us that He provides what you need in order to do the next thing even though you are doing many things for the first time, may be tired or even overwhelmed some moments. I imagine you feel His presence more now than you ever did...and experiencing Him will only grow as you continue to rely upon Him. You are his hands and his smile and his love wherever you are. It is the Lord that put in you the desire to ask "break my heart with the things that break your heart, Lord!" May Jesus continue to be your hope as you see folks come and go. Know, Chloe that you inspire those who have come for one week (and others reading your blog). Some may even respond to the Lord's invitation to return to help at a later date. The need is monumental. You are making a difference one person, one family, one house, one day at a time and that is SIGNIFICANT. What is God going to do in and through their lives? Very exciting! Isaiah 41:9&10 for any weary days...lots of love Mrs.M.

  2. oh my goodness this is so powerful! So cool to see how God has been working in your heart. That song, Hosanna, is such a great song. One of my favorite! It's pretty cool to see the lyrics in real life. I love you and I'm so proud of you! <3 Can't wait to hear more!

  3. Perfect! Perfect! Perfect!

    It is so cool, Chloe, to see how the Lord is answering our prayers for Him to work in your heart as well as the hearts of those to whom you are serving and ministering to.

    You are in such a blessed place- to be used by God as He ministers to you and changes you forever. Isn't it GREAT? : )


  4. Chloe...FINALLY I got up and going with your blog. Sorry it took so long. It is exciting to read how the Lord is using you and giving you an experience of a life time and most importantly a life changing experience which He will use for His glory. I'm reminded of that wonderful passage in scripture: Jeremiah 29:11 that His plans will prosper you, not harm you and will give you a hope and a future!

    To read how He is is blessing you and providing for you as you serve Him is such an answer to prayer and as you shared in an earlier blog, this trip is truly a God thing!
    We at CBC continue to you bring you before His Throne of Grace. We look forward to following your blog...keep up the good work!

    Blessings, Pam B-Central Baptist Church
